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About Poolboy

In a pool house after closing hours a life guard meets a customer who refuses to leave. It becomes evident that her intentions are something other than swimming. 

I was the writer and the director if this short film, in addition to being one of three producers. This film is published on my YouTube channel, and you’ll find it linked further down on the website.


Poolboy had the absolute worst premiere of all my films, but it is the film I feel proudest of. After a rocky start it achieved what I hoped for. I learned quickly that it was not a film for the masses but rather a film to be enjoyed privately or in smaller groups. The ones who have liked it and talked to me about it were clearly moved. It has led to a lot of interesting conversations about sexual harassment and men openly talking about their experiences with me.

Genre: Drama
Length: 9 min

Production year: 2019

Language: Norwegian


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